Presentation and AGM

East Lancashire Table Tennis League

Annual General Meeting

The AGM of the East Lancashire Table Tennis League is to be held at The Hyndburn Leisure Centre on Wednesday 8th May from 7.30 pm. onwards.

All players are welcome to this meeting. Officers will be elected and rule changes can be made to facilitate the effective running of the League.
It is important to note that rule changes, amendments must be forwarded to the Secretary before the 17th April 2024

Rule 7. Any Constitution or Rule changes shall be submitted in writing to the League Secretary not less

than 22 days before the AGM/EGM so as to allow these proposals to be considered & circulated prior to the meeting. Either the Proposer or the Seconder must be present at the meeting to support their motion.

This is an ideal opportunity for all registered players with the League to express their opinion about how the League has been run and how improvements can be made. We look forward to seeing you at this meeting


Annual Presentation 2024

The Annual Presentation is to be held at Accrington Golf Club on Saturday 27th April from 7.00 for 7.30 pm. The cost of the meal is £25 with Juniors paying half price. There will be a vegetarian option.
Please support this event and celebrate with the winners of the various competition run throughout the year.
It might be your turn next year.