Table Tennis Centre coaching at Hyndburn Sports Centre
Coaching for under 18s is now on Friday evening between 5.00 and 8.00 pm.
The coaching is done by Mick Moir who has been appointed as part of the Project and his role is to develop the sport in schools and across the community.
Adults who wish to play, from beginners to experienced players, are welcome at our Bat & Chat sessions on Monday and Thursday mornings from 10 - 12 am. The cost is £5 per session. This is usually collected by a committee member. Advice willl be available anyone who wants to improve their game.
Burnley St. Peters Centre now hosts a Bat & Chat session on Wedenesday morning from 10 - 12 am. Once again the cost is £5. Fred Wade runs this session and welcomes all player whatever their ability. Bats can be provided
Saturday morning is also open for general practice from 10 -12 am. This also cost is also £5 per session